Tuning for 207, and beyond

Blues artist Ruthie Foster turns it up

Joy Comes Back
Tue, 04/18/2017 - 4:00pm

Mike Marr has the ear, listens to a lot of music, and lets us know who sounds good. This week, it’s Ruthie Foster.

A soulful and almost gospel sound for this lady. Ruthie is an artist who brings strength to any subject matter. Her blues will bring tears and her rock will make your feet bounce. Her voice is reverent and concrete and yet tender beyond many. I have been attracted to many other R&B artists like a moth to a flame. Listening to her rendition of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash more than alluring. The man in black would be proud. 

If you enjoy music that makes you think, feel and listen to other beliefs Joy Comes Back lives up to its name. The title track is more than a hymn of life for one to sing, feel and believe in. 

Foster belts out a Black Sabbath cover of War Pigs that is a totally different take and makes me wonder if it might have been the roots of this classic 1970 song.

If you are looking to expand your library with an artist who has depth, look no further than Ruthie. Foster has won the Koko Taylor Blues award four times and been Grammy-nominated a number of times. If nothing else, than Google check her music out on Spotify and at ruthiefoster.com.