letter to the editor

Wiscasset School System is financially unsustainable

Mon, 02/26/2024 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

I am not a finance person or affiliated with the school. My understanding comes from information from Wiscasset Public Schools and the Maine Department of Education. 

I have read both the proposed budget for 2024-25 as well as the “withdrawal from RSU12 document.” We are forced to deal with  self inflicted  problems with RSU12. The withdrawal from RSU12 did not provide a reasonable economy of scale or realistic growth. We are losing students, infrastructure is aging, payroll and quality of instruction is suffering. During that time, we helped build a few new schools that did not benefit Wiscasset. Back payment for services and expenses were included in the agreement as well. Also, to my surprise, we will pay RSU12 for more if we build a new school.  

Last year a request for over 10% for the school budget was passed. For the 2024-25 school year 2.44% is the request. How can a school system possibly go back to the well for more after these increases without significant cost reductions. Our superintendent has  admitted a sizable decrease of students but now we are being asked to pay almost 25,000 for 424 students in all grades. 

I urge the town to re-evaluate a regional high school our adjoining towns. We are not doing justice for our students and our town. Our townspeople are aging, our town population is decreasing, our young leave for greener pastures. Last year an increase of roughly $100 was included in your property tax and it is going to go up again. The economy of scale illustrates that vigorously. When is enough. 

Richard Lutes 
